Assignment 4
MGMT 638: Data-Driven Investments: Equity
Rice University


Submit a Jupyter notebook to Canvas. This assignment is due by midnight, Tuesday, Nov. 28.

Split the Boston house price data into train and test sets with test_size=0.2. Do the following for (i) Random ForestRegressor, (ii) MLPRegressor, and (iii) Lasso.

  1. Use GridSearchCV on the training data to find the best hyperparameter.
  2. Compute the \(R^2\) on the test data for the best hyperparameter.

For RandomForestRegressor, use

param_grid = {"max_depth": range(2, 22, 2)}

For MLPRegressor, use

param_grid = {"hidden_layer_sizes": [[100], [100, 100], [100, 100, 100]]}

For Lasso, use

param_grid = {"alpha": np.arange(0.1, 2.1, 0.1)}